Total time 20 mins & its Include 05 mins QA

Guidelines for 15 mins PowerPoint Research Presentation (or video or any suitable mode)

You have to spend more time to discuss your Findings & Methodology prove your Objectives and Literature

  • Slide 1: Title of Paper and your name, Affiliation (Introduce yourself and paper)
  • Slide 2: Brief background of the problem/issue addressed to inform the audience what made you curious or enthused the research.
  • Slide 3: Research aims/Research question(s) – these should follow rationally from Slide 2.
  • Slide 4 / 5: Provide further background information about your research questions; what have previous researchers disclosed about the topic? Introduce hypotheses, if applicable.
  • Slide 6 / 7 / 8: Describe your Methodology. Sampling, Data collection, Framework to Audience explain it’s applicable.
  • Slides 9 / 10 / 11: Results: Describe what you found in your data (provide statistics if appropriate)
  • Slides 12 / 13: Discussion: Explain how the evidence (your information) supports your argument/research questions. (Remind the audience of your item (s) and argument(s) and whether or not any hypotheses (if relevant) where supported).
  • Slide 14 / 15: Conclusion / Suggestions: Explain the findings & impact or suggestions of your research.

Q&A: 05 mins

Download Presentation Template : Download


  • Keep a maximum of 15 slides for a 15 mins presentation.
  • Your slides should be visually attractive but “clean.”
  • Use a minimum font size of 22, Use Suitable Academic Font
  • Do not overburden slides with text.
  • Slides should complement your oral presentation, not repeat or replace it.
  • Never read from your slides OR your paper. Consider putting key terms on the slides, not full sentences.
  • Avoid looking at the screen (or notes) for more than a moment.
  • Visuals / Videos are always lovely and help make points or break up a text.
  • Oral presentations should be well-rehearsed, professional, enthusiastic, and brief.
  • Aim to make eye contact with most of your audience. (If you are nervous about making eye contact, look at ‘people’ who are in empty seats in the back; the audience in the front will not realize that you are looking at the empty chair).
  • Listen to the questions carefully and try your best to answer them.

Special Note:

සිංහල / தமிழ் Papers & Presentations are Accepting
Presentation or Paper(abstract) / Presentation Slides should be ENGLISH Because Audience Include International Delegates & Other Language speakers we have to treat all without any inconvenience.