1) How can I submit my abstract and CV for the conference?

Abstract and CV can be submitted by via email helpdesk@gariteam.com or Registration link will be displayed in red colour in the conference site.

2) Can I submit an abstract outside the mentioned conference tracks?

Yes. If it is related to field of the conference, still you can submit the abstract even though it is not mentioned in the conference tracks. Selection of your paper will be decided by the scientific committee.

3) What is the allocated time for the oral presentation?

15 minutes for the oral presentation, 05 minutes for the Q&A

4) Can I use my presentation elsewhere?

Yes, authors are free to use their presentations elsewhere.

5) Can I publish my article elsewhere?

Articles can be re-published in another journal under condition that appropriate credit is given to the original publication.

6) Can I present a paper in a language other than English?

Yes. Generally presentations will be conducted in English. But you can present the papers in Sinhala, Russian, French and Chinese languages as well. But you need to inform us prior to the conference because we need to arrange an interpreter.

7) Do I need to be a member of GARI Conference to submit an Abstract or a Proposal?

No, you do not need to be a member of GARI Conference to submit an abstract.

8) Can I submit more than one paper for presentation?

Yes. You can submit more than one paper. The fee is negotiable.

9) Can I find guidelines for paper composition?

The Template Instruction and Template can be found in the Submission guideline at each conference website.

10) How can I get an official letter of invitation for the conference attendance?

Invitation letter is provided on request to authors or other participants Official letter of invitation will be provided as a soft copy via e-mail posting, and will make reasonable effort to help authors to get the visa.

11) Who can participate for the conferences?

Lecturers, Academics, PhD Students, Researchers, Undergraduates, Professionals, NGO workers, Policy Makers and anyone who interested.

12) What kind of technical equipment is provided for the presentation at the conference?

At the conference, the presentation room will be equipped with a laptop, a digital projector and a projector screen. The laptop will be set up for PowerPoint presentations. Linux and Mac users are asked to save their presentations in a compatible format. Please bring your presentations in a flash drive (USB drive) or CD or before the conference you can email us.

13) Does every paper publish on journals?

No, only the selected papers will be published on journals. Selection of papers to publish on journals will be decided by the scientific committee.

14) What are the criteria for selection of conference papers for journal publication?

The best conference papers are selected for journal publication after the conference. Journal editorial board will take the final decision.

15) When should I pay?

Once your abstract has been selected we will send you a notification email and the invoice. You need to pay the full amount within mention period. All payments must be received before the conference day.

16) Which payment mode I can use?

Two ways to make payments

Bank transfer
Online Credit card payment (Visa or Master card)
On your interest we can issue the invoice. Account details will be included in the invoice.
Company bank account details
Kindly remit the Advance Amount to:
Beneficiary A/C Name: Global Academic Research Institute (Pvt) Ltd
Beneficiary A/C No: 0092 1000 1783
Beneficiary Bank Name: Sampath Bank PLC
Country: Sri Lanka
Branch Code: 092

17) When can I get the receipt for the conference?

Payment receipt will be issued at the conference registration table.

18) Can I get the refund of my registration fee?

No, generally we do not refund your money once you make the payment for the conference. But you can extend your fee to the next conference.

20) Does the conference fee include meals?

The conference fee include, conference lunch with morning and evening refreshments. We kindly request you to inform us any special dietary requirement.

21) How can I apply for visa?

Please click this link for visa details in Sri Lanka. http://eta.gov.lk/slvisa

22) What are the hospitals near to the conference venue (Galle Face hotel) which I can get medical treatments?

Nawaloka Hospital, Ratnam Hospital and Durdens hospital

23) Where the conference proceedings will be available?

You can download it from our website. Conference proceeding book (Hard copy) & CD will be available at the registration table. For virtual participant we post it.

24) Can I organize a workshop in conjunction with the conference?

Yes, you can organize a workshop. But you need to request prior to the conference then we can make the ground arrangement.

25) Is conference Live streaming?

Yes. We will publish the link to the website.

26) Is there any scholarship?

Yes, we offer 02 types of scholarships such as 100% scholarships and discounted scholarships. But it is depend on the fund availability and the decision of the organizing committee.

I have specific questions that are not addressed here. Who can help me? For additional queries, please contact organizing committee helpdesk@gariteam.com